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Creating a sustainable
recycling culture for plastic.

From“refuse disposal”to“resource production”. Transitioning from “processing”waste plastic to“producing”resource plastic.


The world surrounding plastics changes rapidly, and all around the globe the focus is shifting from quantity to quality:
plastic lacking a quality which would pollute our land – is no longer wanted anywhere.
In response to these changing trends, the Resource Plastic Association and other industry leaders have devised a category for high-quality sorted plastic that can be used immediately as wholly-recyclable plastic, or in other words, “resource plastic.”
Our plan is to improve the social standing of recycling and related industries in Japan, promote a recycling-oriented society and improve the global environment. To achieve these goals, we work to raise awareness about resource plastic and improve product quality standards through certification systems.

Changing Perceptions by changing Terminology:
“Resource Plastic”Changing the Future of Plastic Recycling.

Markets and technologies for recycled plastic have developed considerably during the past 20 years, and now even non-pelletized recycled plastic is a global commodity. However, the plastic is still little more than waste, as it contains recycled plastic as well as refuse that must be discarded.The Resource Plastic Association categorizes recycled plastic (resource plastic) separately from plastic refuse (waste plastic), and provides information about ways to improve the quality of resource plastic to companies that produce plastic refuse, manufacturers of plastic recycling equipment, companies that utilize recycled plastic, and companies that trade in plastic. The Association also works with businesses to raise awareness regarding resource plastic by publishing educational materials, organizing seminars, developing and distributing appropriate machines and equipment, conducting surveys and research, and providing consultation.


Definition of Resource Plastics

We formed a working group with the top players in the industry and repeatedly discussed appropriate names and definitions. We decided not to refer appropriately recycled plastic to be reused as a resource as “waste plastic,” and instead refer to it as “resource plastic” as defined below.


Resource Plastics undergo appropriate preprocessing and intermediate processing to attain suitable quality; therefore, these plastics can be used as base materials for completely recyclable plastics.


Resource Plastics satisfy certain quality criteria in terms of the degree of contamination from dirt and/or foreign objects and the degree of physical degradation due to intermediate processing (specific quality standards are determined separately).


During transport and storage, processed Resource Plastics are physically and chemically stable and are easy to handle. They are packed so as to be treated safely and hygienically.


Resource Plastics comply with relevant laws and regulations and satisfy the standards determined therein, which facilitates the appropriate processing of waste plastic.


Resource Plastics for export comply with domestic export laws, international treaties, and regulatory standards of the destination country.


Resource Plastics are not derived from plastic waste obtained via illegal or law-evading means, such as theft or other asset-related crimes.

Resource Plastic Certification

The Resource Plastic Association reviews and certifies that an establishment (waste plastic producers and intermediate processors) involved in plastic recycling can understand the system(s) associated with resource plastic, is capable of manufacturing resource plastic, and possesses the technical capacity to handle any tasks required.


Obtaining Resource Plastic Certification


4 Criteria for Certification

The Resource Plastic Association will judge if a company meets the following criteria:


Does the company understand and approve of the concept of resource plastic?


Are plastics sorted so that they can be used as completely recyclable plastic base materials?


Is processing (pre-processing, intermediate processing and pelletizing[Please check the accuracy of our translation. Please revise accordingly.]) carried out appropriately?


Are all the relevant laws, ordinances and standard commercial practices understood and observed?


Exetour Nihonbashi #401, 2-10-3 Nihonbashi, Chuo Ward, Tokyo, 103-0027

The logo of the Association is used with the permission of the trademark holder, Pana-Chemical Co., Ltd. Unauthorized use of the logo is prohibited.




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